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October 03, 2021 2 min read

Oh, I love naps.

I woke up at six a.m. to the sound of the rooster and jumped to fixing a coffee of course, while revving up into my flurry of daily tasks, that change slightly depending on the season, but never by volume.

Some of the tasks are an inescapable part of anyone’s adulthood, such as food prep, emptying dishwashers and feeding the pets, but other things like bread making and dehydrated apple slices are self-inflicted.

In accepting the role of farmwife/homesteader, somehow I straddle the line between living resourcefully off the land to surfing the internet for YouTube videos while working at making products. I wonder which century I spend more time in?

As an entrepreneur I look to the farm for making profits from the land and animal byproducts, so my days are a balancing act of tending farm chores and typing product descriptions. It is great to have the freedom to pick raspberries, soak wool and reply to emails all in the same workplace, but for now, today, I just need to rest from the marathon.

I'm one of those people where 15 minutes of relaxation boosts my batteries. I’ll have a clear head to get up, pack the truck and get to town for the local farmers market, where I'll be for about four hours until we tear down the market table to come home again.

Such is a day in the life of a small time hobby farmer. Such is virtually everyday as a small time hobby farmer...as much as you have freedom to be your own boss, there are demands that never end, so you just have to set your pace and get moving on something from the checklist.

If you want a busy and full life, definitely consider hobby farming- but allow yourself a little wind down time when you need it.

Cheers, and grab a nap. I give you permission.

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